We carry cigars for all tastes and preferences at lehighwholesaleinc.com. Whether you’re looking for a special occasion cigar or an everyday cigar, we have you covered. You can find ultra-rare cigars, such as limited-edition releases, or cigars with premium long-leaf fillers from different countries around the world. We carry famous brands including Backwood, Swisher Sweet, Dutch Master, Game, and many more.
Looking for more budget-friendly cigars? We can accommodate that. Browse our vast selection of boxed, premium budget cigars, or check out the large selection of cigar bundles. These cigars offer great value and come packed full of flavorful tobacco.
If you prefer a cigar that is flavor-infused, we can deliver. We offer a large selection of flavored cigars with high-class brands
We stock thousands of cigars with multiple varieties. Browse the selection of cigars below, and use the filter options to specify your preferred price range, brand, strength, country of origin, and/or wrapper. You are sure to find several cigars to satisfy your craving, or discover a new cigar to stimulate the senses.